Include Guards and their Optimizations

This article discusses the purpose and importance of include guards in C/C++ projects. It also explores the optimizations that compilers have surrounding include guards to improve build times, and the how easy it is to unintentionally disable these optimizations!

The Preprocessor

One of the initial phases of C/C++ compilation is the preprocessor. This phase involves running the preprocessor against a source file, typically identified by the file extensions .c or .cpp. The preprocessor handles all preprocessing directives, which start with the # symbol, such as #include and #define. At this stage, the preprocessor recursively replaces all #include directives with the contents of the pointed file. The output is a single file called a translation unit (TU) that is then passed to the C/C++ compiler to be compiled into an object file.

The preprocessor only focuses on preprocessing directives and ignores all other code as it lacks understanding of C/C++ language. Therefore, it is feasible to add preprocessing directives into any file, and the preprocessor can still process them without any issue.

For an example of what the preprocessor does, we will look the 2 files below

  1. // zero.h
  2. #define ZERO 0
  3. int zero() { return ZERO; }
  1. // main.cpp
  2. #include "zero.h"
  3. int main() { return zero(); }

If we run "main.cpp" through the preprocessor (which can be done with gcc -E main.cpp) we end up with the following file with all preprocessing directives applied

  1. int zero() { return 0; }
  2. int main() { return zero(); }

If you include the header file "zero.h", it is not going to add much text to your translation unit since it is small. However, if you add #include <vector>, it will add around 1MB of text even if you never use std::vector in your code.

Normally, the preprocessor does not remember what has been included before and will add the content of a file each time it is included. Although this may be helpful in some cases, it is often unwanted.

For example, if we were to add a new file "one.h" and reference this in "main.cpp"

  1. // one.h
  2. #include "zero.h"
  3. int one() { return zero() + 1; }
  1. // main.cpp
  2. #include "zero.h"
  3. #include "one.h"
  4. int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  5.   return argc == 0 ? zero() : one();
  6. }

After preprocessing we would have the zero function defined twice. Once from the #include "zero.h" in "main.cpp", and the other from the #include "zero.h" in "one.h" that it itself includes "zero.h"

  1. int zero() { return 0; }
  2. int zero() { return 0; }
  3. int one() { return zero() + 1; }
  4. int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  5.   return argc == 0 ? zero() : one();
  6. }

The One Definition Rule (ODR) in C/C++ prevents us from defining the same non-inline function in a translation unit. Therefore, the code mentioned above would not compile.

To solve this issue, we can either make these functions inline or avoid defining functions within header files. Instead, we can separate "zero.h" into "zero.h" and "zero.cpp".

  1. // zero.h
  2. int zero();
  1. // zero.cpp
  2. #include "zero.h"
  3. int zero() { return 0; }

Which would give us the following translation unit,

  1. int zero();
  2. int zero();
  3. int one() { return zero() + 1; }
  4. int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  5.   return argc == 0 ? zero() : one();
  6. }

It is allowed to declare (but not define) the same function multiple times within a translation unit. This means that the translation unit would compile without any problems and function correctly.

Include Guards

This method becomes too limiting due to the One Definition Rule, which prohibits multiple definitions of classes and structs. This means that we could only forward declare types and use them as opaque pointers, which unnecessarily restricts us to a smaller set of C/C++ features and performance.

To solve this issue, a common approach is to use preprocessor directives to prevent the inclusion of a file multiple times and introduce state into the preprocessor.

  1. // zero.h
  2. #ifndef INCLUDED_ZERO_H
  3. #define INCLUDED_ZERO_H
  4. int zero();
  5. #endif

When the preprocessor processes a source file and encounters the first instance of #include "zero.h", the macro INCLUDED_ZERO_H is not yet defined, so the #ifndef condition passes. We then define the macro and add the rest of the file before ending it with #endif. If "zero.h" is included again, INCLUDED_ZERO_H is already defined, so the preprocessor will skip the contents of the file until it reaches the #endif at the end.

This is called the include guard idiom and is commonly used to prevent multiple inclusions of header files. To avoid macro collisions with other projects, it is recommended to include your project name along with the file name. Alternatively, you can generate a new GUID for your macro, such as INCLUDED_60B80A74_3952_4DAE_BB89_36D93CBDC5C6, which is unlikely to collide with other macros and won't require modification if the header file is renamed.

External Include Guards

The use of include guards can cause a performance issue because the preprocessor needs to open the file and scan the entire content to locate the closing #endif for every include directive. Modern preprocessors skip over approximately 100-300MB/s to find a matching #endif, which is relatively efficient.

To improve performance, one suggestion is to use an additional #ifndef guard to wrap any include directives itself, in addition to the standard include guard. This can help the preprocessor to skip unnecessary processing of previously included headers, improving the overall compilation time.

  1. // main.cpp
  2. #ifndef INCLUDED_ZERO_H
  3. #include "zero.h"
  4. #endif
  5. #ifndef INCLUDED_ONE_H
  6. #include "one.h"
  7. #endif
  10. #include <iostream>
  11. #endif
  12. int main(int argc, const char** argc) {
  13.    return argc == 0 ? zero() : one();
  14. }

To save time preprocessing a file, external include guards can be used to avoid encountering the include directives entirely if they have already been included. However, this solution can be verbose and requires keeping the guarding macro name in sync with any dependencies. Additionally, different standard library includes do not agree on guard macros and this would need to be addressed by creating a properly guarded wrapper header or defining a macro before the include statement as shown previously.

#pragma once

A widely-supported, but non-standard, alternative to include guards is #pragma once (equivalently _Pragma("once")). If #pragma once appears in a file, the compiler will flag it and avoid preprocessing it for all subsequent includes in that source file. This method saves performance time compared to include guards, which require finding a matching #endif statement.

Multiple-Inclusion Optimization

Most major compilers now implement the multiple-inclusion optimization that avoids opening a guarded file after the first time it's encountered, regardless of whether it's guarded with #pragma once or include guards. This brings both techniques to the same level of performance.

However, what is considered a valid include guard differs between compilers. Ignoring these hidden rules may negatively impact compilation time.

The depth and quality of documentation on each compiler's specific rules varies,

To guarantee the multiple-include optimization on Clang, GCC, and MSVC, ensure your headers follow the format:

  • Comments and whitespace only
  • #ifndef MACRO_NAME
  • Your code
  • #endif
  • Comments and whitespace only
and any subsequent includes for this file will be skipped if they are encountered while MACRO_NAME is defined.

Note that the position of your #define MACRO_NAME within the #ifndef/#endif pair doesn't matter - it can appear anywhere or not at all. However, to avoid compilation errors, it's recommended to define the macro immediately after the #ifndef check. If you have a circular include dependency, where a file #includes itself, make sure the #define appears before any includes to prevent an infinite cycle.

Alternatively, make sure your header contains:

  • #pragma once or _Pragma("once") anywhere in the file
and it will be properly guarded. Note that the preprocessor actually has to process the #pragma once directive. If the pragma is inside #if FOO/#endif the file will only be marked for this optimization after it is preprocessed while FOO is defined.

You can see the results of these experiments at multiple-inclusion-optimization-tests.

Real-world Problems

These rules are simple, but it's easy to make mistakes. Even in the Boost library, many libraries take longer to compile than they should.

Boost Preprocessor

MSVC and GCC permit the null directive to be placed outside of the #ifndef/#endif pair without disrupting the multiple-inclusion optimization. The null directive is a single # symbol with optional comments on the same line, and it has no impact on the preprocessor output. However, Clang does not flag any file for the multiple-inclusion optimization if it detects a null directive outside the guard. This prevents Clang from enabling all Boost Preprocessor headers for this optimization, as all of its header files use the null directive liberally for alignment:

  1. // example.hpp
  2. # /* Copyright (C) 2023
  3. # * FakeCompany"
  4. # *
  5. # */
  6. #
  7. # /* See for documentation. */
  8. #
  9. # ifndef INCLUDED_ONE_H
  10. # define INCLUDED_ONE_H
  11. #
  12. # /* code goes here */
  13. #
  14. # endif

Luckily this is fixed by D147928 for future versions of Clang.

Boost Fusion

The Clang and GCC compilers can optimize include guards that use the syntax #if !defined(MACRO_NAME), but this is not optimized by MSVC. So, if you're using MSVC, it's better to use #ifndef or #pragma once instead of #if !defined. Even though the documentation for MSVC might say that #if !defined HEADER_H_ is equivalent to #ifndef HEADER_H_, it's not really the case.

To improve compilation speed with MSVC, a pull request has been made to change the include guards in Fusion from using #if !defined to #ifndef.


Boost preprocessor has a tool that allows for code generation through self-including a header file, which is explained in the documentation's Self-Iteration section. However, this method requires an include guard that is nested inside a preprocesor conditional (#ifndef BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING/#else/#endif), as demonstrated by this example that creates specialized code for IsSmallInt<N> for values 1 to 5.

  1. // is_small_int.h
  3.   #ifndef INCLUDED_IS_SMALL_INT
  4.   #define INCLUDED_IS_SMALL_INT
  5.   #include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp>
  6.   template<int N>
  7.   struct IsSmallInt : {
  8.     static const bool value = false;
  9.   }
  10.   #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_LIMITS (1, 5)
  11.   #define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 "is_small_int.h"
  12.   ??=include BOOST_PP_ITERATE()
  14. #else
  15.   template<>
  16.   struct IsSmallInt<BOOST_PP_ITERATION()> {
  17.     static const bool value = true;
  18.   };
  19. #endif

BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING is used around 170 times in Boost libraries. Most of these uses are in private header files and are unlikely to be included more than once. However, some public header files, like mpl/bind.hpp, also use it.

A pull request has been made to improve the documentation for Boost Preprocessor, but there are still many Boost headers that use BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING and don't benefit from the multiple-include optimization.

Avoiding Mistakes

The issues above were found using the IncludeGuardian tool on Boost Graph and looking through the unguarded files section in the results. To prevent these mistakes in your own codebase, you can download IncludeGuardian for free and keep your C/C++ builds fast!

If you find or fix any include guard issues in your own or other projects, you can let us know on Twitter by tagging them with @includeguardian.

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